For Parents
For Students
The Block Island School is a friendly, positive, and secure place in which to learn and work. Together faculty, staff, and parents have created an enriching environment where children can grow intellectually, physically, socially, and emotionally. It is a cooperative and happy place where parents, teachers and administrators work together as partners in the education of the children.
The school day is from 7:50 AM to 2:10 PM, Monday through Friday.
Students are considered tardy if they have not checked into first period class on time. The first period will start at 7:50 AM. If your child will be absent at anytime during the school year, please call the office by 8:00 a.m. If the absence is a planned one, we would appreciate advance written notification.
Elementary/middle grade students (K-7) start the day in their classrooms for daily attendance. Secondary students(8-12) start the day in their first period class. The school offers the state mandated breakfast program. Kindergarten through grade 12 students may purchase a breakfast until 7:48 AM.
Keep our students safe. If you are driving your child/children to and from school, you may use the designated driveway to drop-off or pick-up only. Do not leave your car. If you need to park, to wait in the lobby or walk your child into school, please park in Faulkner Field, the Payne Road parking lot, or along the east side of High Street. A staff member is stationed at the entrance of the building in the morning and afternoon. Under no circumstances will a student be released to anyone other than a parent, guardian, or a person authorized on our school dismissal form.
As part of our goal to continue to improve the Block Island School, we would like to continue the School Improvement Team [SIT]. Parents, community members, faculty, and students are invited to join. This committee will review and rewrite the school’s Strategic Plan and make recommendations about instructional priorities and other initiatives to improve the school. If you are interested in becoming a member of SIT, please contact the school at 466-5600.
The school’s goal is to continue to provide a safe, nurturing environment of active learners, where all are valued and appreciated for what they can bring to the classroom, school, and community. Together we can make a big difference in the goals we set. If you have a question concerning your child’s/children’s school work, please make an appointment to discuss your concern directly with the classroom teacher.
We welcome your thoughts, comments and suggestions. Please feel free to call or visit us at any time.